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Origin of Senecio Rowleyanus

Senecio rowleyanus, commonly known as string-of-pearls or string-of-beads, is a leafy succulent vine of the aster family. It is native to dry areas of southwest Africa where its stems typically trail along the ground to 2-3’ long or more, rooting at the nodes to form a dense creeping ground cover.

Special care

- Keep temperatures between 20-26°C as it is their active growth stage

- Handle it carefully and gently while repotting as the "pearls" are easily dislodged with force

- Pot it in at least 80-90% mineral based substrate as it is sensitive to water and may rot easily when soil is waterlogged

- Propagate by cuttings, roots will be formed at every node

- Place it in a bright, airy location receiving a mix of direct and filtered sunlight

- Water only when the soil is bone dry

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