Identifying your succulents is extremely important as every species have different sunlight 🌞 and water💧 requirements. Today Greenthumbx presents to you the Haworthia Identification Chart which includes the identification of the top 24 haworthia species! Share and tag your family and friends to spread the joy! 🥰
Haworthia is a succulent that belongs to the same family as aloe. There are about 160 species!😆 Here are some tips on haworthia care!
1) Control watering as haworthia had fleshy tap roots which tend to rot easily
2) Fertilise them regularly (every 1-2 weeks) with a very diluted liquid cacti fertiliser
3) NO direct afternoon sunlight as it will cause the leaves to burn and shrink
4) Mineral substrate mix (~3mm) consisting of hyuga pumice, akadama and kanuma is the most suitable! Potting mix needs to be loose and permeable.
5) It is best to repot into a tall pot as haworthia has tap roots that grow downwards. Repot every 1-2 years.
