Agave istmensis variegata is the dwarf, small growing, variegated form of Agave istmensis (potatorum). This cultivar is also found under a few different names such as: Agave istmensis f. compacta mediopicta, or with the Japanese names Agave isthmensis cv. Orhi Razin Shirifukurin, Ouhi-Raiji or symply Hoi. Other names include: Agave potatorum cv. Ouhi-Raijin variegata. It shoots off pups/offsets readily as the mother plant matures.
Caring for agave
1) When grown indoors, Agave isthmensis prefer a bright window with at least 3-4 hours of direct sunlight, otherwise, they may become etiolated.
2) it prefers to be watered deeply, but not frequently. Ideally, it should be watered until the excess pours from the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot and then allowed to completely dry out before watering again.
3) Prefers to be planted in well-draining soil comprised of large particles such as coarse sand, perlite, gravel, and bark. These materials encourage fast drainage and adequate airflow to the roots.
4) Fertilizing is not a necessary step and may actually encourage your Agave to flower, which is not good as agave are monocarpic, they die after blooming
5) They are propagated by offsets or by seeds
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